
Friday, 7 October 2011

House Break

He lay dead 
wearing his own shoes 
 sipping his own coffee 
resting on the cupboard 
his gun 
next to him.

Road Princess

She shamefully, pitifully
Plods along the side-walk.
She carries all the right qualities
The society oppresses.

She wears her crown all year long
Knitted to her hair
She wears the crown ALL DAY LONG
The crown every girl forgets about.

She has her own public bunch, an alley and a box too to go.
Nothing to forget, misplace or lose in her black vague plastic hand bag.
Lucky girl
What more can a Road Princess want?

She’s consistently contemplating constitution steps to
her praise and glory that is everlasting
yesterday, today and faithfully tomorrow.
Her people bring her honor by facing away,
making fists right by the noses while…
 vigilantly keeping an eye on the changing light.

She is the skinniest of them all,
her sister prejudicious, her brother is violent,
her cousin is shameful, her mother is affordable
and her dad is dead.
She is the Road Princess.

Emotion Run Dry

I can feel them now
feel them through my veins. 
Here they come with the little power they have left.
They give it their all.                                                                                                                                                    
They will blind, break, baptize me.                                                                                                                     
They come with no expectation
but minor thoughts behind them.
And they will find me in my palace to chase my mind till insanity.                                                                                                                                    
I cannot stop the sound of their feet
from walking into my ears.
I can ignore their presences
for they are invisible, blind to my eyes.

Blind to my eyes they are
and become naked before yours.
They reveal the truth about my heart
and my integrity cries the tears of
a mad woman with the voice of a baby monster.

My tears run from my heart
down my cheeks
and drop dry like my emotions.                                                                                                                   Yes my tear got me.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Change to you

I choose what I want to be a part of me.
I don’t want to tell my life story
Because what happened does not
Excuse for what I do now.
And tomorrow I will tell my life story
Because I believe without it
I would not know what I know now.
I have a choice of what makes me.
I don’t need a favorite color
Because it will be requested for.
Some things I cannot like or dislike fore I have not come across,
Whatever it might be.
Don’t be scared to change to your mind.
Finding yourself is fun
But finding yourself in Christ
Is like finding your origin.

Monday, 1 August 2011

This Harden Heart

Let not the pain
Hurt, disappointment, judgement,
Things of the old.
Not the things that choke me
Or breath taking stop me.
Let not the road of life
Harden my heart.
Let not the marks of suffering
Harden my heart.
Let not the tribulation,
Dry tears,
Harden my heart oh Lord.
Let not storm
Brokeness and words
Harden my heart.
Let me not harden my heart.
Let not this lips harden my heart.
Let not my heart be harden.
Let not my pride
Let not my sin harden the nail.
Let not me Harden this Heart
Oh Lord.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Mandeious (Ozymandious)

Mandela is not a king who build a statue to show off his works. I believe Mandela understood that human power and pride will not last forever. What Mandela did is far greater than king's empire, what he did supervene the lives of his people. The reason why we (South Africa) are here now. Mandela will and is more than history or memory but he will be living in our everyday lives. And I believe it will get better through the great achievement that this country will embark on.
Because of Mandela and many of our heroes I could not be more proud and grateful to be a South African and living right here!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Yada( intimacy with God)


Like the waves
winds push us to and fro to shore
making little heaps or non
along the way
in hopes not to be
late of all the other things planned.

We sit together as I planned we would.
Eagerly I mention all
the breaks,trembles,storms
I faced along the journey.
All the faults,bruises
and oh the unfairness
on my poor soul.

Soon enough
I sit alone and
question You about
all the heart breaking rejections,
and the minority I find myself in.

Finally, I sit quietly
looking at the waves
and hear nothing back.
Repeatedly I quickly do this.
While You repeatedly
speak to me in the mist of it all.

(this poem talks of how we need to learn to listen to God even when we are not in devotion. just like at the Jada camp. Understanding that God is always there speaking to us but we are so busy with other stuff that we miss His voice.)

The Bathroom Monologues: Bathroom Monologue: Science Vs. Religion, Edition ...

The Bathroom Monologues: Bathroom Monologue: Science Vs. Religion, Edition ...: "The battle between science and religion raged until a freshman at Cal Tech pointed out that neither was actually a person with opinions nor ..."

Friday, 22 April 2011

The Break Up

Looking back now it seems
Like it is a painting
Of my shattered memories
Across the canvass.
Tiny me, standing with my head held high
In front of this six foot frame
Filled with nothingness that
...Oh so empty.
Desperately trying to hold on
To the little realities
Of my insane fragment.

Oh dear God
Could this not all be a dream.
Now I have to breathe in
The dust of letting go.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Freedom Kind

Freedom Kind

My kind of freedom
is the one that set infants free
while the warriors rest in peace.
Where the beginning is presently black,
wherever one chooses to end.

My kind of freedom
does not wait to be attack you,
but waits to be found
in the phase of challenged tongues.

My kind of freedom
goes beyond ones capacity to imagine.
It will not be influenced
but will be, if it is Thous will.

My kind of freedom
breaks societies mannerism
and manifest to generations,
it bends to purpose, reason, and liberty.
Leaving the liege to astray.

Who fooled you and said that
Freedom only belongs to you?

My kind of freedom
can not be bought, discussed nor deceived
but it seeks selves declaring.

My kind of freedom
is all I am, all I live for
and mine by grace. Mine.

I live free, chart freedom,
born free, speak freely, freedom song,
till they cut my tongue and poison my drink in hopes of salved souls. Salved souls owned by my freedom kind.
My freedom kind will not be silenced.

Friday, 18 February 2011